
Air and Light w/ Dr. Tamsin Lewis

Air and Light w/ Dr. Tamsin Lewis. Guest Hero: Dr. Tamsin Lewis. Medical Doctor and Personalised Integrative Health/Performance for Life, Mum, Former Pro Triathlete & Ironman Champ. You can find her at or @sportiedoc on Twitter. We may feel like the air and light around us are out of our control and that we are at the mercy of the building superintendents but …

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To Do Lists

To Do Lists. Between your job, your exercise program, your friends, your hobbies, and pretty much everything else you want to get done, achieving your goals and nailing your deadlines is often harder than it should be. Heck, for some people just creating an efficient to-do list is a major achievement, and that is where today’s podcast comes in. Hello …

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To Sit or Not To Sit w/ Katy Bowman

To Sit or Not To Sit w/ Katy Bowman. Guest Hero: Katy Bowman – Part biomechanist, part science communicator, and full-time mover at Our desk jobs, commuting, watching TV, and playing video games all conspire to make us sedentary and this comfortable lifestyle takes its toll. Even those of us who exercise regularly still spend much of the workday planted in a …

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Who’s the Real Hero?

Who’s the Real Hero?. There are so many people, like you and me, who enjoy their day job, kick ass in the cubicle and flourish in the 9-to-5. We pounce on the chance to get stuff done and can’t wait to knock the next item off of our to-do list — but we might also be gaining weight from sitting …

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