
Conquer Your Fears: A Step-by-Step Guide to Overcoming Phobias”

Conquer Your Fears: A Step-by-Step Guide to Overcoming Phobias. Phobias are intense, irrational fears of specific objects, situations, or activities. Common examples include fear of heights (acrophobia), fear of flying (aviophobia), and fear of spiders (arachnophobia). These fears can significantly interfere with daily life, causing individuals to avoid certain situations and experiences. Understanding and addressing phobias is crucial for improving quality …

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Treatment of Phobia: Innovative Tactics and Approaches

Treatment of Phobia: Innovative Tactics and Approaches. Treatment for intense, irrational fears involves various therapeutic approaches to help individuals manage and overcome these fears that disrupt daily life. For example, an individual with an extreme fear of flying might avoid air travel altogether, limiting their professional and personal opportunities. These therapeutic methods aim to alleviate the psychological and physiological symptoms associated …

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Phobia Treatment: Effective Strategies and Methods

Phobia Treatment: Effective Strategies and Methods. Phobia treatment involves a range of therapeutic methods designed to help individuals cope with and overcome intense, irrational fears that disrupt their daily lives. For instance, someone with an extreme fear of spiders might avoid going into basements or wooded areas, limiting their activities. These therapeutic approaches aim to reduce the psychological and physical symptoms …

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How To Self Promote, without being human spam w/ Justin Jackson

How To Self Promote, without being human spam w/ Justin Jackson. Hello, my cubicle clerks, open space salespeople, corner office connectors, home den dealers and coffee shop peddlers. My name is Brock Armstrong, and I am not the workplace hero. Let’s face it, these days I am more like a landlord who just checks in every once in a while …

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Parkinsons Law: Work Expands (or contracts) to the Time Allowed

Parkinsons Law: Work Expands (or contracts) to the Time Allowed. Parkinson’s Law is a book by C. Northcote Parkinson. And this book is best known for its opening line: Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. Do you recognise it? I bet you do. Honestly, I didn’t know it had a name until I started …

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Goal Setting and the End of Season 1

Goal Setting and the End of Season 1. Top athletes, kick-ass business people and pretty much all high achievers in nearly every field all set goals because setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation – plus it helps you to organize your time and your resources. This certainly was true for me. Hello my cubicle convictions, open space …

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Are You Addicted to Workohol?

Are You Addicted to Workohol? Society tells us that working harder and working more hours is good, but if you have listened to this podcast for a while you know that it is actually damaging you, hard on your fellow employees and even detrimental your company’s success. So, let me ask you this. “What is the difference between a hard …

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Work Zones w/ Vanessa and Adam Lambert

Work Zones w/ Vanessa and Adam Lambert. To combat many workplace issues, we create “Work Zones” and rotate between them throughout the day. These zones help us to stay productive and check a few items off of our daily fitness list. Hello, my cubicle contrasters, open space sundry, corner office opposite, home den dissimilar, and coffee shop specialized. My name …

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Leavework: What Happens at Work Stays at Work

Leavework: What Happens at Work Stays at Work. I want you to be truly honest with yourself. Do you truly believe that one day you will actually go home from work with a completely clear desk? No projects left incomplete, no phone calls left to make, no emails to follow up on, no documents to edit, and no meetings to …

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Re: Fwd: Write Good Email

Re: Fwd: Write Good Email. Every email you send adds to or detracts from your reputation. If your email is scattered, disorganized, incongruous, and filled with mistakes, the recipient will be inclined to think of you as a scattered, careless, and disorganized person. Hello cubicle communicators, open space senders, corner office autoresponders, home den deleters, and coffee shop bcc-ers. My …

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